RSGoldFast provides a simple and affordable way to buy OSRS Gold and RS3 Gold. Click here to find...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

The item lending program is scheduled to begin very soon

The item lending program is scheduled to begin very soon. You could take the Godsword from someone you know for a few days. The hilts: I have the...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

Although I admit that I don't love farming

Although I admit that I don't love farming, I would like to improve my numbers by 40+. Therefore, I want it to go up. Since the skill was launched,...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

Zamorak drains 60% of your bar when it's employed

Zamorak drains 60% of your bar when it's employed. The Ice Barrage spell does everything the Ice Barrage spell doesn't. Sometimes, it freezes you...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

It is crucial to begin from the beginning

It is crucial to begin from the beginning. As most of you know, Runescape began as quite a different game than it is today. Mixture of 2d/3d...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

In Runescape Classic, the maximum combat level was 123

In Runescape Classic, the maximum combat level was 123. After the switch to Runescape 2 was made, little was done to alter the calculation of...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

It is possible to address this problem through requiring...

It is possible to address this problem through requiring players to contribute back to the games and removing the need for of coins that circulate....

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

It's a long game that contributes greatly to the dearth of...

Let's assume that 150k xp/hr is an acceptable estimation for all skill levels. Each skill is worth 13500kxp. This is 13,500,000. It will take 90...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

Ironman players will receive chat badges

Ironman players will receive chat badges or a skull, like the mod or VIP star crown. We'll need to find how to OSRS gold let ironman players play...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion3 years ago

Combat is now easier to access It's likely

Combat is now easier to access It's likely that you have seen all sorts of information about the action bar and the way you can build your own...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion4 years ago

All members must be on the same clan channel

What a disappointment! I expected these things to be a revolution in events, for once an unintentional loosening of the rules Jagex place on the way...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion4 years ago

A chatbox will open and ask you "how many knocks?"

A chatbox will open and ask you "how many knocks?" 7. A trapdoor will drop below you and then swoosh at you. Unscrupulous people will greet you when...

FryeJacob posted a new discussion4 years ago

The night can make it dark in places like the wild

The night can make it dark in places like the wild or areas that are abandoned by cities. Firemaking may be useful there. Not to mention the...


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