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Warhol | Descifrando al mito

De habilidoso ilustrador a emprendedor exitoso y símbolo de la cultura popular americana,  el  nombre  de  Andy  Warhol  será  siempre  recordado  por  elevar  la  icono-grafía de los productos de consumo de masas a la categoría de las bellas artes.

A  su  modo  de  ver,  una  bebida  de  Cola  o  una  lata  de  tomates  tenían  las  mismas cualidades para estar en un Museo que las pinturas de los grandes maestros de las vanguardias ya que ofrecían al consumidor un placer asequible indiferentemente de su estatus social.

Lo bueno de este país es que Estados Unidos comenzó la tradición donde los consumidores  más  ricos  compran  esencialmente  las  mismas  cosas  que  los  más  pobres. Usted puede estar viendo la televisión y ver Coca-Cola, y usted puede saber que el presidente bebe Coca Cola, Liz Taylor bebe Coca Cola, y sólo pensar, usted puede tomar Coca Cola, también. Una Coca-Cola es una Coca-cola y ninguna cantidad de dinero puede conseguirle una Coca-Cola mejor que la que el vagabundo de la esquina está bebiendo. Todas las Cokes son las mismas y todas las Coca-Cola son buenas.

Warhol en sus motivos no se restringió solamente a objetos de producción industrial sino que abarcó equitativamente retratos de las superestrellas del momento, políticos destacados y la entonces desestimada comunidad gay y transexual en una suerte de democratización artística en la que todos tendrían sus 15 minutos de fama.


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WARHOL Descifrando al mito
Inauguración: Martes 07 de noviembre de 2017
Hora: 19:00
Lugar: Orfila 5. 28010 Madrid - España


Orfila 5, 28010, Madrid, España. +34 913194011 | +34 913896809. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

C. Comercial Concresa, Nivel PB. Locales 115 y 116, Urb. Prados del Este, Caracas 1080, Venezuela. +58 212 9795942 | +58 212 9761773. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

350 S Miami Ave. Miami, FL 33130, USA. +1 305 680 0840. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Atención previa cita
TONY CRAGG 16.11 - 16.12.2017
Antonio Pessoa - Imagination

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Installation shot: Mikael Richter, Allt förlöper fint, 2007, vinyl on aluminium, 23 x 64 cm ROOFTOP SCULPTURE PARK AND ART BAR OPENS IN CENTRAL STOCKHOLM ...
03 October 2014
Lars Nilsson, Ghosts, 2014, Composite, 75x70x40 cm. Courtesy Galleri Andersson/Sandström   LARS NILSSONGHOSTS Stockholm, October 8 - November 8, 2014. Exhibiti...
23 October 2017
Throughout his Contemporary Fine Art odyssey, and very particularly when it comes to what absolutely involves the "Free" heart and soul, Pessoa describes commitment as everything that goes with it, Im...
08 August 2017
  Kaarina Kaikkonen: Growing the Sun August 18–September 10, 2017   Used items of clothing convey an uncannily powerful sense of presence in the work of Kaarina Kaikkonen (b. 1952). The dis...
23 August 2017
Maria Miesenberger, Moment in Motion, Taking Off , 2014, stainless steel   VIVA SCULTURA VIVA! Group exhibition SEAN HENRY, MARIA MIESENBERGER, JAUME PLENSA August 24 - September ...
19 October 2015
Adonna Khare, Play with Matches, 14x11, graphite on paper A D O N N A   K H A R E Using paper as an initial starting point, artists Adonna Khare and Hacer, take us back to childhood. Hacer, b...
15 March 2016
Sunday Morning, 2016, fine art print, 80 x 110 cm HELENA BLOMQVIST Florentine March 17 - April 23, 2016 With an infallible sense of hues and lighting, together with a meticulous craftsmanship, t...
04 March 2014
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30 March 2017
PASSION PLAY By the time you finish reading this article, you'll discover Antonio Pessoa's secret to reaching the peak Art and Life performance level. This secret at this point of his life is respons...
16 July 2018
  There is an old saying that we can accomplish a lot if we "set our mind to it"... that is very true, and it particularly makes a lot of sense if we take as best example, the inner consistency,...
25 May 2017
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. The artist's systematic visualization of a new- innovative contemporary communication outflow, is ...
23 October 2017
Throughout his Contemporary Fine Art odyssey, and very particularly when it comes to what absolutely involves the "Free" heart and soul, Pessoa describes commitment as everything that goes with it, Im...
25 January 2018
Communication, mixed media on watercolor paper, Antonio Pessoa 2007, could be seen as just another artwork by the artist, however the title leaves enough suggestions, loose ends, arrow keys to naviga...
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Tony Cragg, Willow, 2016, bronze, 85 x 80 x 80 cm   TONY CRAGG SCULPTURES   Galleri Andersson/Sandström is delighted to present a solo exhibition of new sculptures by Tony Cragg, which will...
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