wangyue Discussion started by wangyue 2 years ago

That's the point at which patch 9.1.5's various alt-specific WOTLK Gold changes come in. Players will now be able to skip the expansion's introduction questline after having completed it with a different character, and players who have reached maximum popularity with the Covenant Covenant will be able to freely switch between Covenants on different characters. They will also have the ability to upgrade their levels when they are in the expansion's roguelite Dungeon, Torghast.

"Whereas before we were approaching most decisions from character first to establish a base, and sometimes making accounts-wide-wide unlocks in cases of achievements or cosmetics and such I'm thinking that more often we're asking in regard to every almost reward, every bit of content, is this something that will last for many playthroughs?" said the game's creator. "Is this something that's likely to feel significantly different on a distinct person?"

In terms of why the improvements, like the ability to move more freely between Covenants and the elimination of Conduit Energy took so long despite being widely criticized by many of the fans, Hazzikostas said it came from the beginning wanting players to make semi-permanent selections that were similar to World of Warcraft Classic talent trees. He acknowledges that the changes to the systems should have come sooner, as the list of positives for more permanent choices grew as players felt increasingly restricted by Shadowlands' systems in the months following cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold the expansion's launch.

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