Looking for a downloadable mystery game?  Anka, a small kid, lives a peaceful life with his parents in their forest home until the day when his mother doesn’t come back from town. His father disappears too soon after that. Courageously, Anka sets off to find them. The story presents 16 voiced and facially animated characters. The very artistic approach of depicting all the characters provides this delightful adventure with a stylish, brand new look. The approach is indeed very innovative since it represents the developers' attempt to integrate hand-drawn art into the process of game making. Gamers and amateurs alike are sure to enjoy the great variety of breath-taking challenges that this downloadable mystery game has to offer. Together with Anka, players of this game will unveil a mysterious point and click adventure. Players tackle countless puzzles and challenges neatly integrated in the story and ranging from logic brainteasers to games of skill. All in all the mini challenges the game has to offer count to 23 mini puzzles and games that greatly spice the gameplay. Once accomplished, each of these puzzles and mini-games are available outside the main adventure. Players can repeatedly enjoy them, discovering new secret levels and game modes with each and every attempt. Some puzzles can even be customized with personal photos, allowing players to dive into the atmosphere of the game putting family and friends right inside the gameplay. Make your choice in favor of this fantastic downloadable mystery game right now!


Enchanting adventure
Cute graphics
23 varied mini games
Fully voiced facial animated characters
Downloadable mystery game - Absolutely FREE

System Requirements

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
Processor 800 Mhz or better
512 Mb RAM
DirectX 7.0

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