Alongside the scholarship, a portion of the earnings

FryeJacob Discussion started by FryeJacob 3 years ago
Alongside the scholarship, a portion of the earnings from the event will go to three charitable organizations, including Cxmmunity which focuses on increasing the participation of minorities in Esports; the Beyond Sports foundation, dedicated to translating athletic ability into opportunities for real-life use; and That Harper Kid, the foundation started by former Chicago Sky guard Linnae Harper for the benefit of local youth.
A number of high school basketball stars from Chicago have also supported the effort. Some of them include Jahil Okafor as well as Kendrick Nunn, as well as Quentin Richardson. Deon Thomas and Arthur Agee, William Gates, Deon Thomas, Deon Tom, Deon Thomas, Deon Thomsen, Tim Hardaway and Deon Thomas. Linnae Harper, a Chicago high school legend, has also joined the team. Watch out for updates on their social media pages when they show their support for the players.

"This tournament offers children from all across the city an opportunity to unite and contribute to good causes," stated Matt Hoffar, cofounder of Gaming United, and managing partner of Brickhouse Ventures. "And this won't be the last event. There will be multiple tournaments throughout the year over a variety of games, and in various cities."

Chicago Gaming United is a joint venture run by Brickhouse Ventures and TGS Esports.

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