The NFL enjoys celebrating its past whenever it is able

FryeJacob Discussion started by FryeJacob 3 years ago
The NFL enjoys celebrating its past whenever it is able, but it's odd that the league hasn't pushed for that same heritage to be brought into the game. Many football legends are included in the Ultimate Team mode. However, players are only allowed to play the game by playing with the 32 modern NFL franchises that exist in the present. EA should allow players are able to dress up for classic teams of years past like the Dallas Texans or even a extremely old school squad like the Canton Bulldogs.
There is always criticism from the Madden fan base regarding various elements of the game, a major issue that has consistently been an issue for fans is the mechanics of offensive lines.

The linemen of real football should adjust their block style depending on the situation. However, it has always been the norm that offensive linemen always play each down the same way. Madden NFL 22's leap to the next generation saw some improvements that were made, but this remains a key element of the game that has to be fixing.

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