The problem is that they made decisions that were...

Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 3 years ago

The problem is that they made decisions that OSRS Gold were controversial and didn't listen to their fans. EoC is a prime instance. While it allowed players the chance to try things that they had previously not done but it was a huge loss to their fan base. EoC was a wise choice however, was it worth losing so much of the game's popularity. I don't think so. It would be possible to save hundreds of cancellations if you were willing to compromise.

They have also been taking advantage of Runescape players to fund several flops. Every dime they've spent on Stellar Dawn, Mechscape, Thirdscape, a string of no-cost iPhone games, and of course, the massive cost to license the Transformers brand, as and the a amount of money that has been poured into making the perennially unfinished Transformers game has all been sourced from the pockets of Runescape players.

Jagex's other flops (8 Realms. Funorb. etc.) remain a disappointment. Although Jagex's other flops (8 realms, Funorb etc.) may have brought some revenue, I doubt that they were able to cover the development costs. Therefore, we're subsidising those. Runescape is a solitary game with no quests due to the fact that the developers are all off developing other games that never reach the stage of being usable.

They released Birthright of the Dwarves just a couple days ago and they claim it's an enjoyable and difficult adventure. I haven't yet completed it as I don’t meet the prerequisites. However, most players seem to Cheap RuneScape Gold be having difficulty with the boss battles.
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