I believe you've raised an important point that I for one...

Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 3 years ago

I believe you've raised an important point that I for one have not considered. On one hand, I think it's a nebulous way of letting people buy experiences with real-world munny...which isn't right to OSRS Gold those of us who have played for years and gained our points the hard way.

On the other hand I'm certain Jagex is aware of all the complaints in this forum regarding "the grind" and they think that offering exp. points in givaway contests, such as SoF or quest rewards and letting people advance their game without having to work for it, is what people want.

A lot of online games have experienced a decline in subscriptions to paid services because of economic difficulties. It is sad, but RuneScape has a declining population. Jagex believes that a profit-making game is what matters most. As players, we respect Jagex's business interests. We also support Jagex's products. We all care deeply about our game as well as the our company's future.

Sal's Realm is passionate about RuneScape and believes it's a great product. This is due to the love Jagex has for its players and their desire to make RuneScape an enjoyable experience.

Jagex is frequently asked how it will be able to remain in the black during these economic times. While other games have long relied on subscription-based models, other popular games that are free to Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold play are using the micro-transaction model that is the offering of virtual goods and benefits for a small amount in real-world value.
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