FryeJacob Discussion started by FryeJacob 3 years ago
Officials revealed that three different versions will be launched this year, both in physical and digital formats, which include an unbranded version and a cross-generation digital bundle, and a special NBA 75th anniversary edition. The cross-generation digital bundle refers to the two-generation version of the PS or Xbox console family with one purchase. Consider the PlayStation platform for an example. PlayStation players will receive PS4 as well as PS5 versions of "NBA 2K22".
It is important to mention that cross-platform games aren't played with different hosts and PCs. However, different generations of the same host family may still be able to share games across different platforms by using MyTEAM mode.

Officials also noted that although the development team is very interested in the possibility of putting the next-generation game performance on PC and Switch platforms, the primary goal of the team currently is to make sure that "NBA 2K22" provides the best performance on the latest console, but also ensuring that the game experience on other platforms allows players to feel new and creative. This is also a confirmation that PC gamers can't play the new generation efficient gaming version of computing.

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