My 2 thoughts: Weapons that are godlike swords and claws

Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 3 years ago

My 2 thoughts: Weapons that  OSRS Gold are godlike swords and claws with ridiculously overpowered specials should never have been invented in the first in the first place. JaGeX does not need to launch a single dragon weapon for each weapon in the game. Weapons like godswords with their insanely powerful 132+ to strength that allow you to strike well over what your strength level has let you for years should not have been permitted in the game of pking.

Since you could cause huge quantities of damage, you would have to risk the worth of the item. But, this wasn't always the case since 80% of people who risked their possessions were allowed to protect their godsword.

This update is, in my opinion, the best. In years, I haven’t done a pk'ed. However, I've done a lot of Pjing. That's not my style of play. I purchased claws to do this. (It was also cool to have full dragons. They were sold yesterday at the lowest price.

If you want an item with a high bonus to str, or any other advantage, you have to be willing to risk it and possibly die. Pking is risky. Pking is not meant to be a "spec-and-run" sport, like the one I did. It is about honor fighting.

Sharks are the most nutritious food source to Buy RS Gold stay alive. It'll be amazing to see how quickly dragon weapons return into the mainstream. People will still be around 76k. However you should take a look at the small number of PJers in PvP Worlds. All of the players are gone. (The pkers remain, but the pures & the pjers have gone. They won't put their most valuable possessions in danger, but if they do feel the need to take a risk, they are free to grab all the items and go.
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