It's a great honor to be selected as an official Japanese

FryeJacob Discussion started by FryeJacob 3 years ago
"It's a great honor to be selected as an official Japanese limited edition cover player for the first time in the history of the NBA 2K series in'NBA 2K22'. It's a sport I've been playing since I was a child and it's truly dream. I'm hoping that lots of people will take advantage of this opportunity to join in. The cover of the game that I'm currently playing will be revealed in August. Keep checking back!
Kevin Durant "Meeted a lot of people from 2K and developed connections"

Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Dirk Nowitzki and Kevin Durant are the three players selected to provide coverage for the NBA 75th Anniversary Edition and are attending the press conference. I've taken Kevin Durant's appearance in it.

This is your third time as a cover athlete in NBA 2K. Would you be able to tell us more about the significance of this?

It's extremely meaningful. This is crucial for gamers. Our family and friends were raised playing video games. Every kid dreams of being on the cover of a magazine and it's an absolute pleasure to be featured on the cover art for the third time. As much as I can, I want my friends, family, and team to be represented as I walk onto the stage. This is a great honour and I am honoured to have the opportunity to design the cover.

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