Weismart Discussion started by Weismart 4 years ago
WARNING! The ice storm strikes 1 damage for every 20 seconds holding it. The Keys effect is nulified from the cave, your getting hit ones anyhow. (see later) The cavern will have a vaierty of ice Giants (lv 52, 83, 106) and ice warriors (lv 57, 90 and 110). All competitive in a multi combat area. You enter a major area with a frozen lake at the middle. Around the edge is a 2 deep square parcel of land. 9fakes coming shortly )
The Blurite Dragon: The dragon is level 205, the greatest f2p monster. It is going to never stray off the ice lake also has the following outcomes. If you stand of the ice lake having over 30kg of all items you risk decreasing in. If you drop in the lake you take 10 damage and take 5 minutes to swim to the side. You then look at the side of the lake.

The dragon does not breath normal fire, it instead breaths ice. This is a magic attack which can hit up to 30. Even if no damage is caused the ice breath still holds you in place for 3 seconds. The dragon could stamp its feet, this cracks the ice but does greater damage to the roofing, boulders rain back on every player for a range attack causing up to 15 damage. The dragon is quite weak against fire strikes. So its a challenging monster for f2p, should not offer to much trouble for p2p.

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