Anyone who is tried grabbing 100 rats for that Cat...

Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 3 years ago

Have Random Events NOT APPEAR in regions it's difficult to see these in. Eg: Clan Wars, Castle Wars, Bounty Hunter, Grand Exchange, Falador Party Room and so Forth. Do I actually need an explanation for this one? Insert NPCs across NPC using the skillcapes, that OSRS Gold do the emote so that we stop getting asked"Emote Please!" Or"Show me emote now!" I find both sickening. The other alternative that would be much simpler and would be good if you could do is add a movie onto the Capes of Achievement page that shows every emote in 1 video. AND DON'T tell me that's impossible!

On the Slayer Gem add either a right click option"Task Staying", which instantly brings you to the dialog using the Slayer Master telling you how many left, or add a counter to the Slayer Gem. The counter will probably be easier. Randoms that teleport you for your event, GET THESE OUT OF COMBAT. I'm ranging black demons, black dragons, then select anything, get teled to the Pinball arbitrary, whoops at 8 I miss the right one and end up starting over, now I lose arrows and time.

Anyone who is tried grabbing 100 rats for that Cat Training Medal knows how much your hands hurt afterwards, on a Cats Summoning Menu nake an option to Catch Rat so I don't wind up with 500+ clicks and hurt hands, it is more like 300. Beneath Lumbridge from the passing, on Kazgar make a right click option"Travel to Watercellar","Travel to Mine", and vice versa on Mistag.

Add right click"Travel" alternative to Bill Teach. Add right click"Enter Village" alternative to Mosol Rei. We labored to get our Lunar Magics and Ancient Magicks and between the two of them there is just one teletab? Allow us teletabs from Cheap RuneScape Gold this book, you have no idea how useful they can become.

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Hello Me