MMOruki Discussion started by MMOruki 3 years ago
Also, I see the issue of hitpoints restoring. Since you hitpoints go up, lets say u take 1/4 hurt. You would look with RuneScape gold all the batle damage somewhat. 1/2, would look pretty bad. 3/4, you are in some serious pain guy!! 4/4, you're obviously dead (Duh). The following part will reveal that the melee and mage effects.

O Noes! I see the problems with some of the armor which makes you move shirtless ( I can not remember the title, I remember its barrows. Brasset?) You'd obviously be appearing with marks across your torso. Mage. Boy I had a hard time. Let's say you are atted. You shall appear with smoke ! The more reduction, the more smoke.

Jagex should make a new item lending program. A basic outline for the app could be that, while you and the other person are on line, aslong as the person is a friend or on your clan and at precisely the exact same planet as you, you can give them an item. Your item would be returned to you if both of you log out or alter worlds, or you simply take it back.

Its distinct to assist because you can actually do things while they are borrowing your item, and when your stock is full the thing could be returned to a bank. There might be a part accesible in banks, to get a'lend item' where any person over a particular position in your clan (i.e. sergeant+) or any individual in your friend list can borrow (at anytime while your online) among your things that you place into that list.

Kind of like a g/e system where you remove items from your own bank and set into your lending box (which might mean you cant use them yourself unless you take them out of the lend box). Your lend box could have a limit of say items so people dont use it like a lender, and only certain items can be placed into the lend box. Its nice and easy, it quits the whole RWT and unfair trade problem, and buy 2007 runescape gold it would probably be fairly simple and simple to code. What do you believe?
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