MMOruki Discussion started by MMOruki 3 years ago
The questions are the questions from the doors in the S.O.S.. After done answering all of RuneScape gold the questions you will find a scroll, bring this scroll to the cradle of life from the S.O.S.. You'll get your rewards. Coupons can be exchanged for free Haircuts, clothes changes. Big 1 hands - Smack head. Dunce cap - Idea. Cement shoes - Stomp( I'd 2 ideas becuase flap already features an emote, the chicken suit, think of this ducne cap as an UNchancher.) All these, when used unlock an emote. Heres my little idea, the bear head ought to enchance the mad emote.

Well yes, a new animation could be helpful, but arrows throughout the torso, limbs falling off, this really is Runescape, not a horror film or a DOOM sequel.I'm sure lots of us would like to understand a different death animation each way the person is murdered, but it could be done without gore and violence. By way of instance, how's this for some.

Mage passing:The person has been turned into a pile of black ash on the floor, like they were transformed from the spell Ancient mage passing:The individual has been encased in ice, in a position as though they were planning to hit or reach for help, then are shipped to lumbridge, and they unfreeze whenever they arrive.

Range death:The person falls toward the archer who downed him,and then fades, as though he was reaching for help, but no gore,blood, or stuck arrows. Melee death:The person falls and dies via the present death animation. Exception-Stab:The individual falls on their behind as if in a dramatic play, then vanishes to lumbridge. Some are better than others, however, I never believed I was an expert, keep this in mind, thanks.

Beds were put in RS to make it like the real world, however being able to sleep in them would allow it to be interactive like the real world- Locations to sleep- Any Bed located within either YOUR house (meaning only members) or one of your buddies house. Will energy be retrieved, and if yes, how much? - Determined by the different kind of buy rs3 gold mattress, your energy restore will differ.

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