I'm due in using Pony this past year and trying to get an...

Weismart Discussion started by Weismart 4 years ago
A purity spiral occurs when a community becomes fixated on implementing one value without any upper limit, and no single agreed interpretation. Can someone pls ELI5?
But while a purity spiral frequently concerns morality, it is not about morality. It's about purity -- a very different idea. Morality doesn't need to exist with regard to anything besides itself.
Many of these Twitter-based fandoms have become sucked into these vortexes. There's just simply no nuance to lots of items anymore.Damn, most men and women get something small and simple for a first tattoo. Props to you to be hardcore!How long did that take if you don't mind me asking? I'm due in using Pony this past year and trying to get an idea of detail within budget.
Particularly with how black fans of AC petitioned to have black hairstyles contained? Yes. It's completely understandable why some might have been (rightfully) bothered by this.
However, on the other side it seems some are legit advocating for what's basically digital segregation. Particularly with the idea to request Nintendo to make individuals disclose their race before they can play????

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