How To Unlock The Mysterious Switch in Dartmoor of Hitman 3

rodeoneerer Discussion started by rodeoneerer 4 years ago
 Hitman 3 is played across six interactable maps filled with secret items and areas. During the Death in the Family mission, the Mysterious Switch is assigned to a bookcase within Thornbridge Manor. A number of steps must be taken in order to unlock the Mysterious Switch.

Hitman 3 players with a keen eye may have noticed that in multiple instances across the level, secret rooms and passageways are identified by portraits of dogs - including the case file safe in Alexa's office. It is only fitting that all the mysterious switches are not activated by a key, but instead via a walking cane with a metallic dog at its tip.

How To Unlock The Mysterious Switch in Dartmoor of Hitman 3

Now that the player has collected the crowbar, head back inside of the mansion and take the stairs to level 1. The player will then need to head over to Emma and Gregory's room and use the crowbar to break open the door.

Emma and Gregory’s room has four clues you’ll need to pick up. If you do the ‘Means, Motive And Opportunity’ mission story they’ll be counted out in your Intel screen, but if not, here’s what you need to keep an eye out for:

  •     Letter From Emma’s Mother - on the bedside table
  •     Greenhouse Key Chain - on the floor by the suitcases and privacy screen
  •     Shoes and Footprints - get the camera out and scan the floor next to the wardrobe
  •     Bulldog Cane - leaning against the chest of drawers by the door

There will be a walking cane resting on the dresser inside of this room. Grab this, as this acts as the key to the Mysterious Switch. Now, head back to the bookcase and use the walking cane to open up the pathway. There are tons of items to collect in this room, including an unopened letter from Montgomery. Players can also use this location to hide from enemies if needed. It's one of those pleasant secrets that just keeps on giving.

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