There is nothing wrong wanting a game to be greater

Wei Discussion started by Wei 3 years ago

Don't like decorating? Do not like speaking to villagers? That's disliking the core of Animal Crossing Items what the game is intended to be and it is no wonder you would hate it.

Just so silly to see people get up in arms over a series not meant to be their jam.

I don't think that has been the gist of this criticism at all. People have critiqued the sport for the ways that it deviated in the older games, not since the AC formula isn't for players.

There's still content which has to come out for ACNH, '' I don't believe we could say it's not the same when we have not seen everything they're going to launch yet! Sure it sucks that some of the cool furniture from the other games isn't in it yet, but I hope that can come after as shop upgrades happen and whatnot.

Why can not they release it all from the start? That's the thing that I'm unhappy about. I liked the 120 hours I put in the game and got out until its flaws started bothering me too much, but that was all before even paintings had been added and with how slow it's to get paintings I feel as though I wasted a great deal of time playing it beforehand. The one thing this launch schedule/scheme has done is make me want to not play for two years and then pick it up as it feels like a whole game.

You are confused because you don't knowing what people have been imagining. People are saying that the game is too shallow for them, not that they hate talking and decorating. Edit: We could have both while also getting advancements such as crafting greater than one thing simultaneously.

There is nothing wrong wanting a game to be greater, irrespective of precedence.

There are two people here literally saying they hate decorating and talking. And sure it is not a problem if people want to spin up themselves over something silly, but it is perplexing none the less.

AgeEighty said people want features that were in previous games, and buy Animal Crossing Bells you somehow misinterpreted that as"not needing things in Animal Crossing." I wouldn't be shocked if you neglected to know other comments here as well.
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