Elon Musk uncovers new photos of SpaceX forecasting...

Neha Sharma Discussion started by Neha Sharma 4 years ago
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? No, I’m definitely not interviewing you here but trying to give you a glimpse of Elon Musk’s goals in the upcoming days. In fact, who doesn't wish to see a sign of new life in Mars? Recently, the tech expert shared a picture in Twitter displaying captive captures of the spaceship while depicting the actual size of the tank. According to the Independent, the images surfaced on Thursday, June 25.

The fast-forwarded milestone

The photo upholds the bare idea of two sizeable tanks designed to hold fuel for the rocket namely The Starship projected in aerial perspective. Meanwhile, the disclosure prompted the admirers of the space mission to respond immediately followed by the billionaire’s reply to one of the posts. There he confirmed about a major update on its progress in the next September. Well, that’s not too late to arrive on the calendar!

Who would be the lucky talent?

The Starship is sourced from stainless steel which intends to bring up to 100 people around the solar system.

Apart from that, SpaceX even shared a job vacancy for the post of an "offshore operations engineer" in order to develop rocket launch systems for its upcoming missions. Sounds, too exciting to grasp at the moment.

Tracing the beginning

To trace Elon’s pioneering journey, we need to go back by 4 years. Then he spoke about the Interplanetary Transport System during the International Astronautical Congress held in Guadalajara, Mexico. After one year, he sketched the "BFR" on a similar occasion in Adelaide, Australia.

Finally, in 2018, he declared at the California headquarters that Yusaku Maezawa, who happens to be a Japanese billionaire would be responsible to take the "BFR" on a trip around the moon along with six to eight artists aboard after 5 years.

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