MMOexpsitefans Discussion started by MMOexpsitefans 4 years ago
OSRS is your way to go if OSRS gold you don't want also to grind out your eyes and pay2win. The only thing you may buy with money is bonds which you sell for in game gold or can use for membership. There is nothing else. RS3 provides challenges that are daily / weekly to get a spin plus xp the wheel type micro transactions. They've a marketing for it every now and then and you can spend real money to purchase xp/ purchase gold/ items. Someone did it and while it cost 13k USD to maximum, it is possible and in RuneScape game. There is also auras which require you to pay to obtain things to purchase them and a bunch of cosmetics in RuneScape game.

The UI is a wreck, I played with back in the afternoon but Idk what is happening now it is too messy. I've played RuneScape since 08 and been enjoying OSRS off and on since release. OSRS is your superior. For PvM, Certainly PvP, and skilling. Additionally, it had a much larger community. There is also a solo programmer making a"OS Remastered" client now which is working on upgrading graphics heavily. Join the discord and look it up, it is pretty great!

This is actually the RS3 subreddit, therefore remember you could get some responses. Here is my take: OSRS is MUCH grindier as a complete but easier to playwith. It has a lot more robust, involved, and lively early and mid-game content. The community is a lot bigger on OSRS, the PVP is really large (on RS3 theres basically no PVP), and also the endgame PVM is there for OSRS, although much less complicated or mechanic heavy. There's hardly any MTX whatsoever.

Back in RS3, mid-game and the ancient are there but are considerably smaller and much faster. There's a focus on what some folks would call content. The high level skilling is good as well and there are a lot of to buy RuneScape gold, choices that are strong, albeit considerably quicker. Because of the most skillers ability above level 99. The PVM on RS3 is enormous and will be the bread and butter RuneScape. Combat system and the skills are completely overhauled and offer possibilities. There is reward. You see instant DPS improvement the time and practice you install. The graphics are much better and there are quests on RS3.
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