MMOexpsitefans Discussion started by MMOexpsitefans 4 years ago
Every decision we created had symbolizing consequences on the people around us. Notably the NPC's we got involved. We went from specs of osrs gold of dust in an older hags prophecy to a beacon of trust. Anyway I had my rant. I am hoping the book that I wrote helps you to understand just how much RuneScape means to a lot of wack-a-doodles such as us. DragonZaid, my dude, you produced a masterpiece.

That is fantastic! I thought RS could make a fantastic setting, but am not yet an experienced DM, and the individuals in my group do not play. I recently settled for constructing a character marginally based in my RuneScape character, but having the whole planet be rs based would be incredible! Thanks for the URL for your content-if I really do decide to try my hand. I have DM'ed nearly exclusively for people that are not RS players (simply because I did not particularly find them out when looking for gamers ). It's definitely possible to play people who aren't familiar with it.

The issue is not being understood by A good deal of people in this thread. Ping isn't the issue here, it is the simple fact that after a planet gets over 300 inhabitants the responsiveness of RuneScape deteriorates to the point where many facets of RuneScape are unnecessary difficult and not fun. It's not specific to Aus, US, EU servers. That is throughout the world noticed by players - it is why pvmers are currently using foreign servers. Because back in the day, the servers were set up to take care of individuals. Since rs's population has shrunk so much through time, they have turned down every host's abilities to conserve resources I'm sure. Now the people is growing they're gonna need to scale up again, which could take a while.

Much more probable is that back when the maximum player count was originally determined, the scripts working on the servers had been much simpler and didn't take a lot of time to operate, but over time, the sophistication has grown but they haven't upgraded their backend architecture to actually be able to run all of the server scripts fast enough to deal with the exact same quantity of player count anymore. It is probably just the complexity of the scripts being run on the servers now that causes it to slow down once there is a lot of people all needing server time to run those scripts.

Aside from the engine team trying to maximize the server scripts, there's probably. Based upon how it's now set up, they might shard their servers to buy runescape gold, to disperse the server time but that might require them to invest.

People. I counsel people to go on DXP on skilling worlds that are portable. You'll see the lag on your server. Was not there a thread on the DXP showing you lose xp by employing those worlds because of missing ticks? I recall trying to perform cleanup crystals W2 throughout DXP weekend. It was taking ~2:20 realtime to utilize up a crystal (that is supposed to function as 2:00 horizontal ). Assuming my recollection of those numbers is true, every hour of crystals is actually taking one hour and 10 mins.
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