From the newly opened window you will find PoE trade currency the total Atlas map. There is not much information here, as the new regions are cleared, because they are found. The display is divided into several components:
Paths resulting in new places - by completing the task there and clearing a single map, we find another place. By way of instance, after completing the Museum, you'll unlock access to the Vaal Pyramid - from this moment, while exploring the maps, we'll have the ability to obtain a map for this location.
Inventory - in this part you will see items called Watchstones. So that the map areas have additional features, they are utilized to modify parts of the Atlas.
Citadels - Watchstones stones described above are placed in such areas. Each is split into four colours, corresponding to stones.
It is possible to take them as part of the Atlas - about which later in this chapter. Missions available to every master's amount is displayed here.
Bonus for side quests - a percentage bonus buy poe exalted orbs that offers the player a better prospect of obtaining a one-way map. It is increased by each side quest.