MMOexpshop Discussion started by MMOexpshop 4 years ago
It is definitely different. I had been involved somewhat wow classic gold from the raid development for the last raid in Legion, and then I worked on this particular one with Ny'Alotha. What I will tell you is about delivering on the promise of the growth that the staff really cares a whole lot. Plenty of times, when folks get together to chat about these end of growth raids, the words that I hear are -- this has to be the most epic. It has deliver on everything we've been telling. It must deliver on the story.

I'm blown away again and again how well these men do at everything from the art to the bosses into the style of the genuine encounters. Ny'Alotha has this amazing skybox of the rest of the Dark Empire off from the distance, with tentacles and ziggurats and all types of things that are ominous. You feel like you're away in a different world. And then the boss battles themselves are absolutely incredible. They're super fun to play and the art is fantastic. The group does a job. Yes, it is a challenge, and how we'll impressed me it has come together.

Every raid is special for us. We choose these locations. We and they debate with. We discuss the bosses. The amount of hours spent talking through those things and preparing them and iterating on the art and the experience and what the fights will be, we couldn't calculate that amount for you. It's an enormous quantity of enthusiasm and caring that goes into each and each of them. But it's a fact that the conclusion of growth tends to tie a good deal of threads together and shut out lots of the stories that have built up over time.

People are waiting a very long time to see exactly what wants and what Ny'Alotha is and what threat he represents. To be able to buy gold classic wow to pull it all together in this amazing area that looks so phenomenal -- it looks like the chronicle publication opened that is sprang to life around you and only sucked you right into that. It is truly amazing, what our artists have managed to pull off here. To find that come to life and see how much fire everyone has poured into it around the team is merely something which energizes us. We can not wait for fans to have the ability to play with it.

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