Rskingdom Discussion started by Rskingdom 5 years ago

And talking of Dofus Retro, we'll have the pleasure to send you new details about it within a couple of days via a written composition which we realized with Logan, present Producer on DOFUS. We will be back together with him on Dofus Retro, Dofus Unity, the forthcoming sound redesign, customer optimizations and many other issues with some exclusives! We'd like to thank the DOFUS team and notably Logan for now we've been awarded and for the answers provided.

On July 4, while the Hexagon can sleep on both ears due to an overall fall in temperatures, Dofus players, they are getting ready for a massive influx of content through the 2.52 upgrade. Quest for the Dofus Vulbis, fresh Dreggon Zone, new charms per course, many new things that we will discuss in detail directly here.Since time immemorial, the Vulbis Dofus gains from a fall rate of 0.001% and may only be obtained on one monster: Crocabulia, found at the Dragoeuf Sanctuary. Regarded by most as the very popular thing of Dofus, the Dofus Vulbis will follow the path opened by another Dofus of the way, also will be obtained via quests. Be careful though, the quest series is suggested for level 200 Dofus gamers.

It's Thursday, July 4th that the 2.52 update has been established. Since novelties are on the program the latter doesn't skimp on the additions. You might discover it somewhat higher, the Dofus Vulbis can be obtained in the completion of a series of quests, such as the Ivory Dofus. A new place is emerging: Crocuzko Island, described as"an impenetrable and threatening jungle". Innovations which will not fail to be stormed by the many guilds that populate the MMORPG.

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