MMOexpshop Discussion started by MMOexpshop 4 years ago
People always blame EoC for why PvP is lifeless in RS3 but when we're being honest here, the capability to rush down people of RuneScape gold with 1 item make it Korasi sword, AGS, D Claws, DDS, or even Gmaul pre-EoC had already killed off most the men and women who'd risk armour sets which was back when BiS had been Nex items and second best was not as extravagant a cost because it would be now. That Nex gear is your baseline and gear that is BiS is heaps of hours to substitute youparticipate in PvP on either side or'd never find that kind of risk that is casual from anybody and not with skulltricks rampant. On that note, I believe the bombs have started triggering aggro skulltricks from tripping skulls 31, AGAIN, which I thought by now they would have disabled.

We see that in OSRS, the capability to KO a person from + health that is 80 percent. It needs to be far more difficult to somebody if they're wearing armour as EOC has given us discount on most items. So if people were prepared to risk bringing armour, that problem would become less pronounced. Sucks to hear about the bombs being an issue too.No situation? Really? You receive ragged. This isn't OSRS where luck is a larger factor in damage output and chance.

I believe that any upgrade to the wilderness is going to be discounted by the majority of runescape players since they prevent the jungle, or in bring 3 items and a few t60 armour. However my proposal alone wouldn't make a difference, it might require some incentives to go into the wilderness. Something like the bosses OSRS has would be even more wildy-slayer, or sufficient monsters that are unique. But it's definitely going to take more to revitalize the wilderness than my suggestion.

Balancing will surely be an issue. I guessed 200% recover to buy osrs gold safe and all of that to the killer both numbers are taken out of thin air. You could surely make arguments that it must be more than 200% of normal to reclaim wildy deaths, and there is a good point to be made about falling less than everything you pay (great moneysink, by way of example). Yeh, definitely, and great reply something important to remember while designing this!
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