ylq Discussion started by ylq 5 years ago
nd said, "How good is the child!" "Is my eyes moistened with breakthrough dysfunction, learn to talk, and dedicate one's life to someone? Yes, that is the day of Helen Keller's full year of the year, when the mother is Helen Middot; Keller scrubs the body, Helen Keller��s gaze was suddenly attracted by the swaying tree shadow on the floor. She stared curiously, looked very fascinated, her eyes didn��t move, and she couldn��t help but stretch her hand and rushed over. It��s not a long time to hold it on, and the mother once remembers how this happened. She found that Helen Keller��s observations seemed to be particularly sensitive. Usually a one-year-old baby should be ignorant and have no intention of anything. In-depth understanding of the tendency, but Helen does not have delicate thoughts, and even use their own limbs to feel the wonders of change. Compared with other babies [url=http://www.cigarettees.com/]Wholesale Cigarettes[/url], it can not be special. Fortunately gave birth to a talented Children [url=http://www.usa-cigarette.com/]Newport Cigarettes Coupons[/url], of course, are proud of their enthusiasm! So every time friends and family come to the house, once the topic goes to Helen Keller, the joy of the mother��s satisfaction will be self-satisfied. How long has it lasted? When everyone was happily talking about Helen Keller��s bright future, Helen Keller had inexplicably had a serious illness. This serious illness not only took away the hopes of parents, but also made Helen Keller become an invisible Little Helen Keller, who can��t hear, how to face a world without light and no sound. Mothers use experimental methods and try again and again. Although they have failed countless times, but for a long time, After exploring a lot of essentials, Helen Keller also learned to use touch to feel everything around him, every thing. Just like this, a little accumulation. After four or five years, the children can feel with their eyes and ears. Helen can be touched. Only the body language that Helen Keller learned, only parents can understand the daughter Keller's palm [url=http://www.usa-cigarette.com/]Marlboro Red[/url]. Helen Keller didn't know what to do, and he couldn't remember it. The teacher knew where Helen��s difficulties were. She took Helen to the fountain and placed Helen��s hand under the spray hole, letting the cool spring splash on Helen Keller��s hand. Then, Sullivan��s teacher wrote the word ��water�� in the hand of Helen Keller. Helen Keller kept it in mind and would never know. Helen couldn't communicate with others. Sullivan found an expert for Helen Keller and taught her to use her hands to feel the changes in mouth shape when others spoke, as well as the difference in inhalation and exhalation in the nose to learn pronunciation. Of course, this is a very difficult thing, but Helen Keller has done it. Blind writer Helen Keller, in addition to breaking through dysfunction, learn to speak, dedicate his life [url=http://www.cigarettees.com/]Newport 100S[/url], give speeches to people with disabilities, encourage them to affirm themselves, and be determined to be a disabled person. Helen Keller's masterpiece, "If you give me three days of light," she warns that a healthy person should cherish life and cherish everything that the Creator has given him from the perspective of a weak woman who is physically and mentally ill. What happened to this, the secret of the language was suddenly revealed, and I finally knew who was a substance that flowed through my palm [url=http://www.cigarettees.com/]Cigarettes Online[/url]. This drink ��word�� awakens my soul and gives me light, hope, and happiness! "This sentence touched me and gave me the courage to solve all kinds of difficulties in learning."
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