Blizzard is preparing to help players adjust their numbers...

wangyue Discussion started by wangyue 2 years ago
Metzen isn't the only notable staff member who has left Blizzard last year. On July 1. World of Warcraft director Josh Mosqueira announced his departure from Blizzard to "pursue different opportunities WOTLK Classic Gold ." The announcement was preceded by the departure of Jay Wilson, former director of World of Warcraft.
Blizzard is preparing to help players adjust their numbers on certain World of Warcraft Classic servers which will permit some players to change servers without cost.It was reported that a World of Warcraft community manager made the announcement in a forum thread, which stated that free character server moves will be available to select WoW Classic realms in the next few days. When the service begins there will be an option to initiate a transfer from the screen for selecting characters or the realm queue screen.

In the moment, there are three restrictions set out in the article the post: You cannot transfer a character if the character is a guild leader or has auction listings as well as bids. It also has mail. The community manager stated that a complete post that will include additional restriction on characters, as well as other details will be published when the service is launched.There's no information on when the free character-move service will be available as well as a confirmation on what servers will be able to access the service.

In another piece of WoW Classic news, more than 300k people watched the game when the game was introduced to its first player of level 60. Dot Esports reported that "Jokerd" upgraded a gnome-based mage to 60 in just three days, 20 hours, and 40 minutes, playing through Mograine. Mograine server which is in Europe. The game has received so much attention, in fact, that it has surpassed Fortnite and all other games as the most watched game on Twitch. In a feature article we explored the reasons WoW Classic is great and concluded that it's much more than simply nostalgia.

First WoW Classic Player Completes the 60th level, more than 300.000 Watch Live World of Warcraft 's Classic edition was launched last week to much fanfare. Its launch was so awaited that it attracted more than 1 million viewers on buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold Twitch, surpassing Fortnite and other games.Today, it's reported that the very first player to achieve WoW Classic's limit of 60 was able to do so while 300.000+ players watching live.
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