The players who are most annoyed by the news that they...

wangyue Discussion started by wangyue 1 year ago
In a genre where it can take up to 100+ hours to reach WOW WOTLK Classic Gold max levels, gold isn't easy to find, and mounts and bags can be expensive. This boost also has led to "pay-to-win" discussions. A digital edition of the game is being available for purchase for $70. It includes a mounted mount that can be used for Burning Crusade Classic and World of Warcraft which is currently in expansion, Shadowlands. It also includes the character boost, an in-game toy and a brand-new World of Warcraft effect for Burning Crusade.
The players who are most annoyed by the news that they will be required to pay $35 per character to "clone" an exact copy of their characters so that it can be played simultaneously on WoW Classic servers and Burning Crusade Classic servers. Current WoW Classic servers will be automatically upgraded for Burning Crusade Classic on May 18th, with the patch pre-released. The cost is not a thing (other than the standard subscription fee, which includes the option to play WoW Shadowlands, Classic, and Burning Crusade Classic) is required to play Burning Crusade, but for those who want to be able to play both versions of the game they'll need to pay a $35 fee to clone. Many players have noted, the entire Shadowlands expansion is only $5 more than the cost of cloning a character, further clarifying how costly the fee is.

In all honesty, it's something to be proud of for a title which a large number of players were attracted to due to its lack of extra paid services and cosmetics. Those who are part of the community for the game are already lamenting the fact that Blizzard seems to be following the same approach with Burning Crusade Classic as it has for Shadowlands in addition to other recent updates. Both of which supported the ability to buy new mounts, pets as well as other game-related items and services for real dollars.

As prominent WoW content creator Asmongold recently stated in a video posted shortly after the announcements of Blizzard: "I'm disappointed because I thought this wouldn't happen...I was not expecting them to go through a complete 180. I didn't imagine that they'd make a shift from not having any microtransactions all in the game, for instance, to literally selling you boosts and mounts throughout the game, and all of cheap WOTLK Gold it in a short time."

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