Every player within the NBA has strengths and weaknesses

wangyue Discussion started by wangyue 2 years ago
Through continual learning and a positive attitude towards the game, his 2K rating has increased to 79. And his three-point shooting percentage for Nba 2k23 mt  the season has been 35%-38%.Advantages for Kuminga1. 

Physically strong, able to withstand fierce competition.2. A strong ability to learn, which makes their technology more sophisticated through continuous learning.3. A strong spiritual base never concede loss in spite external challenges, and react to them by constantly striving to improve themselves.

Every player within the NBA has strengths and weaknesses, but not every player can keep the right mindset and be able to improve themselves when they are asked. But Kuminga can do it. When people start questioning his technical skills and his lack of technical proficiency, he's adept at listening to their thoughts and improve himself within a brief time. 

That's why he's still able to be competitive with many great players. Kuminga's not content to be marginalized; he's determined to get himself into on the field in the beginning.
 Kuminga's current standing in NBA 2K, Kuminga's current rating is 79, also in the NBA league, he is currently ranked somewhere between 50 and 70 in the league. If not, no one will ever discuss Viking, that is the more powerful team either cuminga.Although Kuminga hasn't played any significant time the last few games His performance on the court has been very positive. Since the Warriors' inside line is quite fragile the player must eliminate fires frequently and is able to block an enemy's attack.
 Defender who helps others It is rare to find hard-working defenders like him cheap 2k23 mt.Due to his muscular body as well as his exceptional running and jumping, Kuminga can also rank in the top 50 of the league in terms of offense.
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