Okay, one thing I notice about the party space is that

Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 2 years ago

The armor is light weight, much lighter than steel or black and will require 30 minutes of prayer for wear, as well as the Knight's Sword Quest finished to make/wear it. It is not tradeable, as is bluerite. It is not possible to OSRS Gold smith the bluerite sword until you have two bars of iron, one k, blurite ore Knight's Sword Quest done, and You must go up to Thrugo and ask him to smith it. Additionally, you need to have 25 smithing. I thought about this quite in detail.

Okay, one thing I notice about the party space is that, if you organise an event for your friends, people will go into the party house and grab things. This may not be an ideal idea, however an unfriendly noob picking things up from your drop could be annoying.

Arena: 10,000 coins. The arena is the size of a large room with a tiny entrance/respawn corridor. You are able to fight any of the participants on the field, but if the game is lost, you'll be able to claim nothing , and you must wait 10 seconds before returning to the respawn zone. Balloons fall off on the ceiling as the leaver is pulled. The most rare of items are kept back , and then dropped in the middle towards the final.

Volcaneo:12,000 coins. A normal size room, at the middle of it is the volcaneo. It releases rocks that, if they strike you in the head shock you. If the lever is pulled, the rocks will smash , and an itme could be seen, but you can still be stunned by the rocks

All rooms contain a chest for items, Party Pete and Cheap RS Gold an exit. Chat with party Pete to go out. If you have any ideas for other rooms or improvements, you can let us know. The pictures could be coming soon depending on how successful it is.
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