Dragonborn Discussion started by Dragonborn 2 years ago

If Tcmp has been honest with RS Gold his words (and I'm more likely to believe in a thoughtful post such as his, rather than a condescending one like yours), then it may not be Sal's fault. Sorry if it appeared to me that I was angry with Sal's, but I wasn't.

World 2 used to be empty, before there was a nuke... No frikkin person anywhere in Gwd.. I started cursing people in sals who had told me that i couldn't live in an open world. With bot nuke, im betting that a world of freedom will be more easy to find. But , get 70 pray for mercy first.

Consp gave me a higher ABSOLUTE MIN! !, for going in 5-6-7 man team so i don't know.. I think he just likes me or is a bit envious of me. There is a differnce, this person wants to kill him to have fun. You wanted to kill him for money. Bandos has seen its price rise recently so GWDs activity will have grown.

Seriously? I expressed the fact tht all i wanted was the experience of having killed an extremely high level boss. I said a thousand times that all I wanted was enjoyment, not money.. Furthermore, any drops we did receive could be a tiny reward.

That's why I wanted stats which could let me get through the sergents. There is a very high probability of dying if you use my suggestions for stats in this subject. The statistics in your topic are stable ones. 80/80/80 won't die unless you're trying brew spam when you're at 300 lps. Just tele if you're worried.

I believe that minimal is about 75/75/75/75 and 70 prayer and a tort? That would probably net you .75-1 kill, based on your luck. Choose a whip and not a godsword. Instead, get borrowed a bgs bgs specifics and Buy OSRS Gold then hope to be luck, because Graardor is very skilled.
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